Wednesday 17 February 2016

How To Extend MTN BBLITED To 3 Days

I can remember vividly some 6 years ago when I had to switch of my data anytime am not browsing with my phone in other to save the MB I subscribed for but now I can remember the last time I switched off my data connection in fear of exhausting it.

Though MTN 0.00 free browsing trick is still working and a lot of people have migrated to that because it is totally free with unlimited internet access but few are still rocking MTN BBLITED on Android and iOS devices.

MTN BBLITED costs N70 and its valid for 24 hours (one day) but with the trick a reader of this blog sent to me, you can extend it to 3 days. Remember the MTN BBLITED is capped at 5gb so you have 5gb to use in 3 days. 

Even without this trick, sometimes I use my daily MTN BBLITED for two days.
Just dialed *216*4*1#
That's all#

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