Wednesday 18 November 2015

How to change your android IMEI And use N1000 glo bis for 1month on any Android

This post is for you if  you have been wasting money subscription lately  i will show you how to change your  imei without rooting your device....well follow this procedure with illustration pictures that will make it very easy in the process

What you need
 Mtk engineering apk download it here
BBgen apk download it here

 how to change your imei

  • Install the two apps above 
  • Open BBgen apk then generate BB imei number write it somewhere
  • Then Open the Mtk engineerin app

  •  Choose the MTK settings above
  • Then swipe to connectivity as shown below

Under connectivity choose CDS information

  • After you've clicked cds information then click Radio information 

Then you will see Phone1 and Phone 2
Phone 1 means sim1 and Phone 2 means sim2,
Choose the sim you want to change its IMEI

Then you will see something like this,
Type capital letter E, If its SIM1 you want to change its IMEI Click AT+EGMR=1,7''''
If its SIM2 CLICK AT+EGMR=1'10''''
Then type your IMEI number as shown above then click SEND AT COMMAND
Put space infront of the AT like this
If you are successful you will see something like this

This means your imei has changed successfully
NOTE=if you want to use blackberry subscriptoin on it go to your phone APN under settings and change it to BLACKBERRY.NET then restart your phone and glo will send you confirmation message after it load recharge card and send COMONTH to 777 then you are good to go after confirmation message
If you are having any issues with it use the comment box below and we will help you

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